Tagged: ricepaperscissors

Chit Chat: Valerie Luu + Katie Kwan of Rice Paper Scissors

A few weeks ago I got to hang out with a couple of the coolest gals in city, the duo behind the Rice Paper Scissors pop-up Vietnamese cafe. And we made this video! If you live in San Francisco and eat food, you’ve probably already heard of them. Valerie and Katie worked their way through unrelated careers, food blogging and being individual Vietnamese vendors. Now they’ve become a favorite of Bourdain and pop-up throughout the city.

We talked about the knitty gritty beginnings of their adventures and how they couldn’t have done it without The Internet. Not only did social media and the interwebs help people find where they would be, it connected them to people who shared their passion for making good food.

Of course I had to try their food along the way and it was really awesome. It’s pretty rad that these fun ladies do their own thing and break the rules (sometimes).

If you’ve heard of them but haven’t had their food yet, make your way to Mojo Cafe where they pop-up every Thursday. Also, don’t forget to join their mailing list/follow them on Twitter and Facebook so you know what they’ll be up to next.  🙂

P.S. Please check out Vice’s Fresh Off the Boat mini series if you haven’t already. In episode 2/3, Valerie and Katie hit up their favorite spots in the Mission and shock Eddie Huang with their cooking superpowers.

Special thanks to: Valerie and Katie for just being awesome and letting me follow them around, Giovanni Chumpitazi for writing the music the day before this was due, and Mojo Cafe for letting us film!